International Festival Little Prince
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The most prestigeous International Festival - Contest - Little Prince - Micul Print
Founded by the leader of the cultural activity from Moldova Renata Verejanu and the children from the editorial staff of the "Little Prince" magazine, International Festival-Contest of Talented Children "Little Prince" was liked by the Moldavian children, becoming in this way a independent project. Since 1995 the most prestigeous International Festival and the only Festival started from Moldova.
Fondat de liderul activitatii culturale din Moldova Renata Verejanu si copiii din colegiul de redactie al Revistei Micul Print -
Festivalul-Concurs International al Copiilor Talentati Micul Print a fost indragit de copiii din Moldova, devenind astfel un proiect de sinestatator, iar din 1995 cel mai de prestigiu Festival International si unicul Festival pornit in lume din Moldova.

The Festival of the Festivals - Festivalul Festivalurilor
Starting with the children from Little Prince magazine and with television from village to village, between 1993-1995 the broadcasted Festival Little Prince has challenged the talented children movement, thing that convinced writer Renata Verejanu that whole Europe and not only needs such highly talented children forum. So, since 1995 the International Festival-Contest Little Prince brings together over 50000 young talented children from different countries from all the continents, but also great personalities of the world diplomacy and cultural life, parliamentars, ministers, heads of states.

Pornind cu copii de la Revista Micul Print si cu TV din localitate in localitate, in anii 1993-1995 Festivalul televizat Micul Print a provocat miscarea copiilor talentati, care a convins-o pe scriitoarea Renata Verejanu ca DE un asemenea FOR al copiilor superdotati are nevoie toata Europa, si nu numai...
Astfel din 1995 Festivalul-Concurs International Micul Print reuneste la un original dialog intercultural peste 50000 de tinere talente din diferite tari de pe toate continentele, dar si mari personalitati ale diplomatiei lumii si ale vietii culturale, parlamentari, ministri, sefi de state...
International Festival-Contest Little Prince is apreciated by an International Jury and assisted by a Children Jury, authors and winners of the Great Prize at the previous editions
International Jury of the Festival-Contest Little Prince is composed of great personalities of Europe's cultural and diplomatic life. In the picture below, the International Jury from VII-th edition, Chisinau, 2001 - watching the Moldova's landscapes.
Juriul International al Festivalului-Concurs Micul Print se constituie din mari personalitati ale vietii culturale si diplomatice ale Europei.
In poza de mai jos Juriul International de la editia a VII, Chisinau, 2001, - admirand natura Moldovei.

Juriul International al Festivalului-Concurs Micul Print
In the picture above(amateur) Participants at Little Prince Festival are participating in one, two or all three tests of the Contest: song, poetry and dance. Each test may not exceed 3 minutes.
iunie 2001.
Participantii la Festivalul Micul Print se prezinta in una, doua sau toate cele trei probe ale concursului: cantec (voce sau instrument pe viu la concurs, cu fonograma plus la Concertul de Gala), recital poezie (proprie sau din clasica literaturii carui popor ii apartine), compozitie de dans (oricare stil: vals, tangou, retro, rapp, lambada, etc.etc.) - fiecare proba nu depaseste 3 minute.
International Festival-Contest has conquered the most prestigeous stages.
Festivalul-Concurs International Micul Print, editia a VIII, desfasurat la Chisinau, in perioada 29 mai - 2 iunie 2002, sub inaltul patronaj al dl Walter Schwimmer, Secretarul General al Consiliului Europei, a reunit peste 60 de tinere talente din 8 tari. Juriul International de personalitari ale corpului diplomatic si ale culturii si Juriul International al Copiilor au jurizat cu multa onoare.

Marele Premiu:
printul - Alexandr Baycev (Bulgaria)
printesa - Irina Costin (Moldova, Balti)

locul I:

printul - Valentin Reaboi (Glodeni,Moldova)
printesa - Elena Bondari (Slobozia, Moldova)

The "Little Prince" Festival winners
Alexandr Cercas, Minsc, Belarus have meet sisters Lidia and Gabriela Oros from Ujgorod, Ukraine, who , after being discovered by the Little Prince International Festival were invited to live in USA.
Ana Cernicov, discovered, promoted and supported by WOTC
In May 2000 no one knew about Ana Cernicov, who after night became a star: has conquered the Great Prize at the VI-th edition of Little Prince. Now, Ana Cernicov conquers one after another the most high places at different international contests. World Organization of Talented Children proposed her in several juries, invites her at the most prestigeous meetingd with diplomats, heads of states...
In mai 2000 nimeni nu stia de Ana Cernicov, care peste noapte deveni o vedeta: a cucerit Marele Premiu la editia VI a Micului Print. Acum, Ana Cernicov cucereste unul dupa altul cele mai inalte locuri de la diferite concursuri internationale. Organizatia Mondiala a Copiilor Talentati o propune in diferite jurii, o invita la cele mai de prestigiu intalniri cu corpul diplomatic, cu sefi de state...

Little Prince passing through Romania became National Festival of Romanian children
President of WOTC-Romania, Mr. Dumitru Ficuta awarding the prize to Ana-Maria who in a year would have conquered the entire Romania. Bacau 2000.
Presedintele OMCT-Romania, Dumitru Ficuta inmanand premiul Anai-Maria care peste un an avea sa cucereasca intreaga Romanie. Bacau 2000
Hector Vargas Castillo - printul de Peru
Prince Hector from Peru and his lady has conquered the spectators from Romania and received the Prize "Spectator Simpathy".
In the photo - a fact from the Little Prince Festival. Children's Palace, Bucharest, 1998.

The Ukraine's song princess. Printesa cantecului din Ucraina
The princess from Ukraine, Diana Negruzza, after conquered spectators from Chisinau, at the next Festival edition of the Festival has conquered the spectators from Romania.

Author, producer and the soul of the International Festival-Contest for Talented Children Little Prince - the modest Renata Verejanu at the opening at the one of the Festival's edition.
With very modest financial resources, without being supported by a state, embassy, grantmaker, without any grant - International Festival-Contest Little Prince reached VIII-th edition. Bravo!
Dear friends, we wait you at the most intercultural dialogue between peoples, through which the WOTC volunteers implement
Child's Rights,
International Festival-Contest Little Prince, VIII-th edition will take place between 30 May - 2 June 2002, at Chisinau, R.Moldova.


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