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WOTC and Moldavian Federation of UNESCO Clubs

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International Festival Little Prince

Talented Children World Forum

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WOTC by its Courrier- Little Prince magasine, was the first international NGO from Moldova that published the Child's Rights. This Courrier has implemented them also. And now is monitoring the program Child's Rights - National Debates, launched already on national television from Moldova. WOTC representatives will promote the program in their countries.
Through the program "National media active promoting the international forums" WOTC in collaboration with Moldavian Federation of UNESCO Clubs will promote the activity of UN, UNESCO and Council of Europe.

  Very important event no.1 Event 1
Due to the fact that to World Oragnisation of Talented Children was granted consultative status with the Council of Europe, poetess Renata Verejanu, WOTC President, the one who works as a volunteer, has taken a loan equal of 10000 minimum salaries, she has bought computers and gave them to WOTC children.

The members of the First Caravan of teh Culture of Peace and Non-Violence recepted by the officials from UNESCO, October 2000.
  Event no.2 Event 2
Receiving the unusual gift from Mrs. Renata Verejanu, the Executive Board of WOTC has opened, today, Monday, 25th of February 2002, the first Internet Studing Center from Moldova. The center is ruled by the children from the First Council of Europe Clubs. Now, the very rich mail received by us will be visited day and night.

Event no.3. "Little Prince" TV show - We and the international forums
That fact is very pleasant, and,the WOTC President passed to television with a new project: We and the international organisations. Although the show will last only 30 minutes, we elieve that is enough for the begining - but anyway is a big victory.
The victory is bigger if we are taking into the account that this show was launched with the occassion of 10th Anniversary of our first project.

Le Petit Tour de l'Europe reached the Paris.
  Our friends from WOTC representative from Turkey are writing to us Sayin Moldova Kucuk Prens Festivali Organizasyonu Yetkilileri;
Dunya cocuklari gunu nedeni ile duzenlemis oldugunuz uluslararasi festivalde Turkiye Cumhuriyeti cocuklari olarak biz Yamac TELLI veBenil GEDIKOGLU, sizin sicak,samimi ve icten duygularinizi gorduk,katilimci uluslarin cocuklarini cok sevdik ve onlarla guzel iliskilerkurduk.Uluslararasi Kucuk Prens Festivalini cok olumlu ve anlamli bulduk.Boyle guzel bir festival duzenledikleri icin tum Moldova Cumhuriyetiyetkilierini kutluyoruz.01.06.2001 Dunya Cocuklar Gunu nedeniyle tum cocuklarin mutlu, ozgur ve saglikli gunler gecirmelerini diliyoruz.

Mr.Suleyman, the chief of the WOTC Turkey branch, arrived at Chisinau with the children delegation from Ankara at the Children World Forum, Chisinau, 1st of June 2001.

Young Journalists Agency - AMP INTERNATIONAL 2003 Copyright