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Council of Europe
The Secretary General

Strasbourg, 14 March 2002

Dear children,

I should like to thank you very much for the distinction of "Omul Anului 2001" which you have awarded to me. By doing so, you have certainly wished to honour also the Council of Europe.

This oldest European organization is committed to the pursuit of peace based upon justice. In its statute, the member States reaffirm their devotion to the spiritual and moral values which are the common heritage of their people and the true source of individual freedom, political liberty and the rule of law, principles which form the basis of all genuine democracy.

I am sure that this values and principles are also yours. Their respect will permit young people all over Europe to live their lives in peace and freedom. I sincerely wish that you may spread this message of steadfastness and good will.
Yours sincerely,

Micul Print
str. Puskin 24
Chisinau 2012
Republica Moldova

International Festival-Contest Little Prince is developing under the highest patronage of General Secretary of the Council of Europe.

Message pour les participants а la manifestation "Les enfants de lEurope messagers de la Paix dans le Monde entier"

Mes chers amis,

Je suis desole de ne pas etre parmi vous pour cette magnifique Manifestation organisee а l'initiative de notre plus jeune federation, la Federation moldave des Clubs UNESCO. La presence de tant d'enfants et de jeunes en Moldavie aujourd'hui est tres importante pour la paix dans le monde.

Les voix de tous les participants rejoignent en effet toutes celles des autres membres des federations de Clubs du monde entier. Toutes ces voix constituent ainsi une armie de la paix que personne ne peux vaincre parce qu'il s'agit d'une armie pacifique.

Chers enfants, nous ne cesserons jamais tous ensemble de croire en la paix, de chanter la paix, de vivre la paix.

Mille baisers de paix

Patrick Gallaud
Secretaire general
For our friends from Germany with great thanks for all the children and teachers from Emmendingen
Dear friends Renate, Bjoern, George,

We wish you Happy New Year, much health and joy! I want to thank you again for the greeting sent for my birthday. Unfortunately, I don't know when is born Bjoern or Rebate either, so I bring my best wishes at least know, at the beginning of the year.

We wish this year to meet you here, in Moldova, between 28 May- 3 June 2002, when will take place the International Festival Contest of Talented Children Little Prince. The photos you have sent us are done not professionally, the publishing house didn't want to publish them; anyway we published a picture in the newspaper Children of Europe.

We want you to sent us a photo of Bjoern, where his face to be clear, so we could present him as the reporter of the Little Prince magazine for Emmendingen.

Our best wishes
Children of Europe newspaper made by the children from Moldova, Romania and Ukraine
Children of Europe newspaper was launched in August 1997, at Navodari, Romania in the presence of 9000 teenagers. Now Children of Europe newspaper is the Courrier of the UN Clubs, UNESCO Clubs and Council of Europe Clubs

WOTC Copyright, 2003