WOTC and the Moldavian Federation of UNESCO Clubs
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Photo6 Page

At the Constituent Assembly of the 11th UNESCO Club, member of the Moldavian Federation.
Galina Codreanu, Vice President of the Federation, and Renata Verejanu, FMACCU President.

French friends - a French visit card
Lionel Venour, Tompson, Andrei, Malic, ... the friends who have recepted us very warmly at Paris while the Caravan of the Culture of Peace and Non-Violence. Dear friends, we wait you in Moldova, at the end of May, 2002.
I am with hat and you are beautiful
I am how I am, funny and very spiritual.
European Feedration of UNESCO Clubs -a well come NGO where Moldavian feedration of UNESCO Clubs is founder-member. We are glad that the Secretariat is hold by the Romanian Federation .
Among with our friends from Armenia at the Constituent Assembly of teh European Federation of UNESCO Clubs
Expertise changes between Moldavian Federation of UNESCO Clubs and other Federations and UNESCO Clubs
Federatia Franceza a Cluburilor UNESCO ne este cea mai apropiata, deoarece fara a ne cunoaste a participat la realizarea proiectului nostru CARAVANA CULTURII PACII SI NON-VIOLENTEI numita "Le Petit Tour de l'Europe".

Paris, 2000.
Delegation of the Moldavian Federation of UNESCO Clubs at the UNESCO Clubs from Malta, at an experience change.
In the center of the picture, Mr. A. Rutter (Malta) and Eugenia Ursu, Moldova
Busteni, Constituent Assembly of the European Federation of UNESCO Clubs .
So much and so genius we are that event don't fit in the picture
World heritage is in good hands
Returning from Caravan of Culture of Peace from Europe, the children very happy shows to the world UNESCO wallpapers. La revenirea Caravanei Culturii Pacii acasa de prin Europa, copiii foarte fericiti arata lumii afisile UNESCO.

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